Friday 12 August 2011

WT - San Francisco Arrival

A very uneventful flight from Los Angeles to San Francisco taking just over 50 minute (in the air). We organised a shuttle to our hotel - Warwick Regis.

Well what a contrast to Los Angeles, the hotel is situated very centrally in San Francisco and what an interesting looking city. Both Ronnie and I have already fallen in love with it - the old world charm is everywhere. The buildings in the section of of the city that we are in are all of an older style or should I say style's. There are similarities and yet each one is unique - really facinating.

We went out for our orientation walk... oh boy are these streets steep, we really had a work out but I'll let the pictures do the talking for me.

We found a wonderful little Mexican Italian cafe called Mango's and decided to pop in for a late lunch. The food was fantastic and the coffee strong... too strong for Ronnie I'm afraid - even a half strength cappuccino. So now it's half strength Lattes  from here on out for her:)

We found ourselves in the town Square a little while later and noticed a group setting up for a free concert in the square, they seemed to be a local family putting on a jazz performance... gotta say it was very pleasant and we sat there for quite some time just soaking it all in. Ronnie's back still not right so we headed back to the Hotel and I put on a jumper and headed out on my own for a while.

I wandered a little further a-field and may have gotten a bit carried away, really unlike me (says I tongue in cheek). I love these old buildings and there is always another and another.... it wasn't too long before I was buggered so I stopped for a couple of cups of coffee before returning to the Hotel:)

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